Project Lead The Way - Engineer of the week

Monday, October 31, 2005

Gottleib Daimler

Gottleib Daimler was born on March 17, 1834 in Schorndorf. In 1852 Daimler turned his life over to Mechanical Engineering. In 1872 Gottlieb began working with Nicholas August Otto on the gas engine. In 1876 they created the four stroke engine though it was still to inefficient for use. In 1882 Daimler and Wilhelm Maybech founded Daimler Motors. They were able to increase the power and speed of the engine using petroleum. In 1883 Daimler and Maybech finished their first engine with an amazing 600 rpm. This blew the standards for that time away. The highest at that time was 120 to 160 rpm. In November 1885 Daimler placed an engine on a bicycle and created the first motorcycle. On March 8, 1886 they created the first motorized stagecoach. Daimler and Maybech proved the power of their motor in many ways. In 1887 they hooked it up to a boat. And 1888 they placed it into a hot air balloon to power the balloon. Daimler died on March 6, 1900.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Wernher Von Braun

Wernher Magnus Maximilian Frieherr Von Braun was born on March 23, 1912 in Wirsitz, Prussia(now Poland). Upon his Lutheran Confirmation his mother gave him a telescope for his birthday. He discovered that he had an extreme attraction to the night sky. After the Treaty of Versailles he and his family moved to Berlin. When he entered school he didn't do very well in Physics or Mathematics, until he realized that if he wanted to pursue the night sky he must do well in these subjects. From then on he applied himself 110% to his studies in Physics and Mathematics. He received his doctorate after his group launched two model rocket up about 2 miles into the sky. Von Braun became a member of the SS from 1940 to the end of the war. He however did not want to join but he had no choice. If he hadn't he would have had to give up his life's work. In 1942 Hitler commanded the production of the V2 missile. Von Braun had to help design it. On September 7, 1944 Hitler launched the first missile towards England. More people died during construction of the rocket than when it was used as a weapon. In 1945 Von Braun called in his planning staff and they all discussed how they would surrender to the rapidly appoaching Americans. They also had to evade their own army because the SS had received orders to kill all German engineers. In 1947 Von Braun Married his first cousin, and in 1948 their daughter, Iris, was born at a naval hospital in Fort Bliss. Von Braun also became the first director at NASA from 1960 to 1970. Living an extremely full life Von Braun died on June 16, 1977.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Frank Lloyd Wright

Frank, or Lloyd as he is most commonly referred to, was born on June 8, 1867. Before he was even born his mother was determined to make him into an architect. In 1887 Lloyd pawned some of his father's book so he could buy himself a ticket to Chicago. On his fourth day in Chicago he went to the office of Joseph Lyman Silsbee. After being interviewed by one of Silsbee's draftmen Lloyd was hired as a tracer for a salary of eight dollars a week. Wright worked there for about year before he found a job with a higher salary. He began to work with Louis Sullivan and Danmark Adler. Lloyd will openly admit that only Sullivan effected him as a true engineer would. In 1893 Sullivan fired him because Lloyd was asking for to many independent jobs. In the 1920's Wright built a number of houses in Hollywood for famous actors. Lloyd died on April 9, 1964.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Philo Farnsworth

Philo Taylor Farnsworth was born on August 19, 1906 near Beaver City, Utah. Philo developed an early interest in electronics. In 1926, Philo and another inventor began to work together to develop his ideas on the television. In 1927, Philo's image dissector transmitted its first image, a straight line. Philo presented his invention to the press in 1928 when he had a more reliable system. By 1936, Philo's company was transmitting basic entertainment programs. Philo died of alcoholism on March 11, 1971.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Wilbur and Orville Wright

Wilbur Wright was the third son of Bishop Milton Wright and was born on April 16, 1867 in Indiana. Orville his brother was born on August 19, 1871 in Dayton, Ohio, "The Birthplace of Aviation." As both boys were growing up they were encouraged by their parents to experiment and investigate anything the found interesting. During 1900 to 1903 the Brothers worked on their first plane. They attempted to sell their idea to the army however the army declined at first. During WWI the army began using planes to drop tear gas over the enemy camps. On May 30, 1912 Wilbur Wright died young at the age of 45. Orville died on January 30, 1948. In Orville's complete life the speed of the airplane went from 0mph to nearly 1,000mph.